I have been using Skin-e-dip for over 20 years. It has become a staple in my home. As a child I had severe eczema and the only thing that made it better was skin-e-dip. As a teenager I started to get cracked heels in the summer. My feet would hurt so bad and bleed from the cracks that I could not walk without pain. My sister suggested putting skin-e-dip on before bed and then wearing socks to bed. I did and had great results where the cracks cleared up within days. Now as a mother to four children whenever their bums get red I put a small amount of skin-e-dip on and by the next diaper change all redness is gone. After having my fourth child, my midwives suggested wearing Depends (adult diapers) for 6 weeks after the birth instead of regular pads. About 2 weeks after having my baby I was at the grocery store with my mom when I started to feel immense pain down there. I knew it must be a rash, diaper rash. It was so painful it hurt to walk. As soon as I got home I ran to the bathroom and put Skin-e-Dip on and felt immediate relief. I could not believe how good it felt to put it on. It soothed and cooled my rash. My rash was completely gone within two days. This cream is a lifesaver for me. I will never go without!